Tuesday, May 31, 2011


 Well, I've totally been slacking on the blogging lately, but I had to get these up tonight.  This is my nephew, Kitly at 9 months, and CHECK out the newest hat his mama Corina has created... (she's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G eh?)

Little Rocker dude withe the mowhak!!!  Corina and I are in a "mom's fair" this weekend in Cochrane, and we are hoping to get business on the kidalicious baby accessories we've created (I however can take NO credit for the hats... they are all Corina... I just get to use them for all my props!)
So if you are bored this weekend... June 4th, come check us and other awesome mom's creations at the Cochrane Ranch, 10am-4pm! Hope to see you there!  These hats won't last long!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Utah Photography Course

Yay, I can finally show these off! Bryce and I flew down to Utah a couple weekends ago for a photography course... this is what I learned... A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!
These aren't my props, however I was totally inspired and ordered a bunch of stuff for my studio, so if you are expecting a baby, keep checking back, 'cause I'm totally going to offer a great sessio for babies when everything is ready!