Monday, January 31, 2011

Haute Mama's

Well, you'd never know it by the looks of these 2 troopers, but the Saturday session was FREEZING!  But what fun for sisters to be expecting together! Shauna, you look AMAZING for being due next week, and Shelli, you've got the beautiful bebe glow!  (hopefully all the jumping didn't bring baby on too soon!lol) We had ALOT of fun, and Thankx to Mama McDermit for providing us with steaming coffee and a warm fire between shots!  Thank you to both of you for letting us capture these moments, and Congragulations to both of you, and we can't wait to hear the news of the new additions!


  1. WoW! Your pics are a.w.e.s.o.m.e. Steph!! LOVE love seeing these 2 mama's:0) Congrats girls!... Big hugs to you n ur bebe's. xo G

  2. love them as well! fav is the pink shirt & mittens and fence ones!
