Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hanna is ONE!!!

 Hanna, you made my day on Friday! If I had to describe this girlie in one word... it would be "sparklie" and I wish we could've video taped the photo session.  I'm not sure which one of us had more fun.... Hanna or her mom and I laughing at her! Halarious:)
Enjoy the post of your beautiful girl shaun and Jos!





  1. Oh man... those are all soooo cute!! My favorite is the close-up with the big grin...Hanna is indeed very sparkly! :) The scale one is cute too.... actually they're all too cute to pick a favorite!!

  2. Oh dear...... I am smiling from ear to ear..... Not sure if it is because I am her Nana or if because of the SPARKLE that comes from her!!!!
