Friday, September 24, 2010

The lights of my life

Just Posting a couple new photos of 2 of the 3 most wonderful people of my life!  They are so patient with me as I constantly have a camera in their face to play with my settings, or lighting.  Little troopers.  At our house we do a little ritual called "Friday-Fun-Night." Meaning they get to choose what we do, what we eat, and bed-time isn't near as early as a week-night.  Sometimes it's swimming or painting etc. (Their little minds are extremely creative I must say, because some things they come up with are definently interesting) But its something they live for during the week.   Anyways, I was getting off point with my Friday Fun night.  I'm going to try and post something fun every friday now too... So, we'll see if my imagination is as creative as these 2 little people!  Well, I'm off to get a pizza, and i guess it's tent-making in the living room for tonight! Have a GREAT weekend.  I know I will!

1 comment:

  1. adorable photos! and yay to family fun night - what a great idea! and where did you get halles hat - its sooooo cute!
